Extending FUEL CMS
FUEL CMS provides a number of ways for you to expand and customize it's functionality. This page just provides a consolidation of the most common ways:
- Model Hooks: Create custom callbacks after inserting, updating, saving (inserting or updating) and deleting model data
- Module Hooks: Create callbacks that other modules can subscribe to (e.g. a search module may want to update it's index after every save in your news module)
- Custom Fields: Create custom form field types for you forms
- Module Overwrites: Overwrite existing module parameters
- Advanced Modules: Create your own specific application folder with self-contained libraries, helpers, controllers, views etc.
- Simple Modules: A model that can allow users to manage data in the CMS
- Dashboards: A view to display on the Dashboard (e.g. Google Analytics graph)
- Module Tools: Tools to be used while inline editing a page (e.g. run a keyword page analysis on a specific page, validate the HTML, or validate the links on the page)