FUEL CMS provides several ways for you to insert javascript functionality for various aspects of the CMS. jQuery is automatically loaded as are most of the jQuery UI libraries for you to take advantage of. A list of all the javascript files loaded in the admin by default can be found on the configuration page. The following are topics which discuss adding javascript to FUEL CMS:
FUEL Configuration
If you'd like to include a javascript file for every page in the CMS, you can add it like so in your fuel/application/config/MY_fuel.php file:
... $config['fuel_javascript'][] = array('my_js'); ...
The javascript file's path will be relative to your assets/js/ folder.
The asset helpers js() function is used for rendering the javascript which means the ending ".js" is not required.
To add javascript for an entire module, you can add a 'js' parameter to your module's initialization parameters in your fuel/application/config/MY_fuel_modules.php like so:
$config['modules']['my_module'] = array( 'js' => array('my_js') );
FUEL CMS 1.0 offers several new ways to incorporate javascript specific to your forms using the Form_builder class:
add_js() Method
You can use the Form_builder class add_js() method like so:
Using the 'js' Parameter
You can add the 'js' parameter to your fields like so to load in a my_js javascript file (must be an array or a string ending with ".js"):
... $fields['my_field'] = array('label' => 'my_field', 'js' => array('my_js')); $this->form_builder->set_fields($fields); $this->form_builder->render(); ...
OR you can define a script tag and it will output it on the page:
// OR you can define your script tag here $fields['my_field'] = array('label' => 'my_field', 'js' => '<script> $(function(){ // my amazing javascript goes here }) </script>'); $this->form_builder->set_fields($fields); $this->form_builder->render();
Lastly, any string value not beginning with "<script" or ending in ".js" will be treated as a javascript function name that will be called upon rendering of the form.
Custom Field
One of the most powerful new features of FUEL 1.0 is the addition of custom form fields with Form_builder. A custom field is a combination of custom has 2 main parts. The first being a method or function that renders the field type. FUEL comes with several built in custom field types which are rendered using the fuel/modules/fuel/libraries/Fuel_custom_fields.php file. The second component is a configuration that associates the field type to that method or function and any javascript files and/or functions needed for the field. This configuration is done in the fuel/modules/fuel/config/custom_fields.php file and can be done for your specific field types in the fuel/application/config/custom_fields.php file.
Custom fields have 5 javascript related parameters:
- js: the name of javascript file(s) to load
- js_class: the CSS class used by the javascript to execute any javascript on the field
- js_params: parameters to pass to the javascript function
- js_exec_order: the order in which the javascript should be executed in relation to other fields... lower the sooner
- js_function: the name of the javascript function to execute for the form field
FUEL comes with several built in custom field types which can be viewed in the fuel/modules/fuel/libraries/Fuel_custom_fields.php file and are configured with Form_builder in the fuel/modules/fuel/config/form_builder.php file.
AJAX with Models
Sometimes you may want to use AJAX in your module's form. For example, you may have a list of cities that changes based on a state you select. To do this you can setup a method on your model that is prefixed with 'ajax_' (e.g. ajax_cities_by_state). Then use the following URL in your AJAX requests:
// $states is previously defined $fields['state'] = array('label' => 'state', 'type' => 'select', 'options' => $states, 'first_option' => 'Select a state...', 'js' => '<script> $(function(){ $("#state").change(function(e){ $.get('.fuel_url('my_module/ajax/cities_by_state').', function(data){ $("#city").empty().append(data); }) }) }) </script>'); $this->form_builder->set_fields($fields); $this->form_builder->render();
Additional parameters for the AJAX method can be passed via query parameters (e.g. ?state=OR)
jQX Framework
jQX is a small javascript MVC framework. The following are some of the benefits of using JQX instead of simply including javascript files:
- Isolate all module actions to a single javascript file which loads other plugins and library files
- Automatically creates path configuration variables for images, css etc.
- Includes simple caching object to cache information
- Provides basic inheritance and allows you to access parent methods using this.super()
jQX Module Initialization Parameters
There are additional module initialization parameters you can set in your fuel/application/config/MY_fuel_modules.php.if you are using a jQX controller which include:
- js_controller: the name of the file and thus controller to use. The default is the BaseFuelController.js
- js_controller_path: the object/folder path to the controller. The default is fuel.controller.BaseFuelController (folder slashes are simply replaced with dots)
- js_controller_params: an initialization object of parameters to pass to the controller
- js_localized: an array of localized string keys to be accessible via the fuel.lang() function
The initialization parameter method has special meaning and should be the name of a method on your controller (e.g. myMethod). Additionally, you can access the controller object after the window has been completely loaded (so $(window).load... not $().ready()) through the variable.
jqx.load('plugin', 'date'); controller.MyModuleController = jqx.createController(fuel.controller.BaseFuelController, { init: function(initObj){ this._super(initObj); }, items : function(){ this._super(); }, add_edit : function(){ this._super(); }, myMethod : function(){ } .... }
The above example would assume that you have a jQX Controller in your advanced modules fuel/{module}/assets/js/controller folder named MyModuleController. If the folder you wanted to save it in was fuel/{module}/assets/js/myfolder, you would need to change the objects name to myfolder.MyModuleController. Essentially, you can swap out the folder "/" with object ".".
Common Controller Methods
There are two main jQX controller methods that you may want to override in your controller:
- items: the jQX controller method used for the list view of the module
- add_edit: the jQX controller method used for adding/editing module data (the form view)
It's important to call use this.super() to call the parent method if overwriting.
jQX Configuration Parameters
The following jqx config parameters are available for you to use in your jQX controller:
- jqx.config.basePath: The equivalent value to the site_url() CI function
- jqx.config.jsPath: The path to the fuel modules javascript folder which is /fuel/modules/fuel/assets/js/
- jqx.config.imgPath: The path to the fuel modules images folder which is /fuel/modules/fuel/assets/images/
- jqx.config.uriPath: The equivalent to the uri_path() function
- jqx.config.assetsImgPath: The path the sites images (e.g. /assets/images/)
- jqx.config.assetsPath: The path the sites images (e.g. /assets/)
- jqx.config.assetsCssPath: The path the sites images (e.g. /assets/css/)
- jqx.config.controllerName: The global name of the controller object which can be used by other scripts after the page is loaded. The default is "fuel"
- jqx.config.jqxPath: The path to the jQX library which is /fuel/modules/fuel/assets/js/jqx
- jqx.config.controllerPath: The path to the controller
- jqx.config.pluginPath: The path to the jQuery plugins
- jqx.config.fuelPath: The path to the FUEL CMS which by default is fuel/
- jqx.config.modulePath: The path to the module which is fuel/{module}
- jqx.config.cookieDefaultPath: The server folder path used when assigning cookies
- jqx.config.keyboardShortcuts: The keyboard shortcuts to be used in the CMS
- jqx.config.warnIfModified: Determines whether to warn upon leaving a page that has unsaved field content
- jqx.config.cacheString: A string value that represents the assets last_updated configuration value and can be used to caching or breaking a cache
- jqx.config.assetsAccept: The asset files that are allowed to be updated
- jqx.config.localized: A JSON object of available localized strings
- jqx.config.editor: The text editor selected (either CKEditor or markItUp!)
- jqx.config.ckeditorConfig: CKEditor configuration values
For more examples, look inside the fuel modules js/fuel/controller folder.