Blog Authors (Users) must have general access to the FUEL admin and permissions for the blog module. Blog Authors are powered by a blog_users_model and have a grandparent class of MY_Model class
Author Fields
Below are the fields to fill out for an author:
- Display name - The display name of the user
- Website - The author's website
- About - Bio information about the author
- Avatar Image - The image to associate with the author
- Active - Determines whether the author page can be displayed
The Authors (User) Model Properties
The author object has the following properties:
- id
- first_name
- last_name
- name (virtual property combined first_name and last_name)
- user_name
- display_name
- website
- about
- avatar_image
- date_added
- posts_count (virtual property)
- active (returns 'yes' or 'no')
The Authors (User) Model Methods
The author object model has the following specific methods:
Returns the link.
Returns posts the link.
Returns image path to the avatar.
Returns image tag to the avatar.